Tuesday, June 22, 2010

2010-2011 School Supplies

We have purchased most of the "working" supplies for the students to use for the school year (crayons, pencils, erasers, markers, and color pencils). Please do not purchase these items.

Due to lack of storage, I am asking for each child to PLEASE ONLY bring in the following supplies and amounts (all extra supplies will be sent home):

*Book bag (please keep in mind we have SMALL cubbies to store book bags, lunch boxes, and coats. Students will only need to bring a folder and an agenda book to and from school each day. Large book bags are not needed. NO BOOK BAGS WITH WHEELS!!)

*1 roll of paper towel
*1 box of baby wipes or refill pack
*1 art smock (an old big shirt works great!)
*1 bottle of hand sanitizer
*1 pair of Scissors-labeled w/child’s name (especially if your child is a lefty!)
*1 plastic pencil box-this will store pencils, crayons, erasers, glue sticks and scissors
*1 container of Lysol/sanitation wipes OR 1 can of Lysol spray
*1 boxes of tissues
*2 (1 subject) composition notebooks (any color)
*4 plastic folders (any color/style) Folders with pockets on the bottom are easier to use than the folders with pockets on the sides.
*4 glue sticks

***Please label all folders, notebooks, art smocks, and scissors with your child's first and last name. Doing this will save us a lot of time on the first day of school!!!

I look forward to meeting each new family! You may send in supplies the first week of school, or bring them in during the Meet and Greet!

Mrs. Curl

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